Understanding the Monthly Pass
Learn more about this program designed to help you stay on track with your massages, all while earning a discount for your regular sessions!
What’s so great about the Monthly Pass?
It’s a commitment to showing up for yourself with a healthy massage routine. We see the best results for clients who prioritize their wellness consistently, rather than just a massage here or there.
Even when you are not hurting, it’s great to get regular sessions, because maintenance care helps you keep pain and tension away. You may be surprised to notice how good you feel after 6-12 months of regular sessions, compared to your day-to-day tension level before you started with us.
What is the Monthly Pass?
The Monthly Pass is a way to receive a session every month at a discounted ‘Monthly’ rate. Your monthly pass fee will be automatically processed on the same day every month, either the 1st or the 18th whichever you selected in your Monthly Pass agreement. This will continue monthly, until cancellation.
How do the Monthly Pass credits work?
Every time your Monthly Pass fee processes, you will have a credit on your account for your next session. Make sure that your appointment is scheduled for after your Monthly Pass fee processing date to be able to apply your credit.
If you come in for a session before your Monthly Pass fee processes, you will be charged in studio, at the discounted Monthly rate. Your Monthly payment will still process on the scheduled day. For example, if you come in on the 16th and your payment process on the 18th, you will be charged on both days. If you want to avoid getting charged twice in one month, make sure to schedule your appointment for after the Monthly pass fee processes.
If you don’t have any credits on your account, you are still welcome to come in for a session. You will still get access to the same discounted monthly rate.
How do I schedule my Monthly session?
When your Monthly Pass fee processes, then you are ready to go for your next session! There will be an email reminder when your fee gets processed, with a link to schedule your appointment, if you don’t have it on the books already.
What if I am looking to get in more frequently than once a month?
If you want to get in more than once a month, you still get access to the same discounted monthly prices. You can schedule any additional sessions (offered at the monthly prices) by clicking this link here or by copy and pasting the link below:
What if I miss a month?
Your Monthly Pass session credits will roll over up to 3 credits on your account. This means you can miss 3 months, while still getting all those sessions to continue forward.
What if I want to switch between Table Massage (Swedish and Deep Tissue) and Neu Release Massage?
You can use your monthly credits interchangeably for Table massage and Neu Release massage. Our scheduling software doesn’t allow for it, so while scheduling your regular Monthly ‘Code’ will not work. However we can apply it on the backend. For example, if you have a 1hr Table Massage credit, we can apply it to a 1hr Neu Release Massage. If you’re booking online, the system will require you to place a credit card on file to hold the appointment time, but it will not be charged if you have remaining credits to use.
What if I want a longer massage?
You can always upgrade to a longer session. If you are using a Monthly credit, you will only be charged for the difference between those monthly pass rates. For example, if you have a 1hr Monthly credit, and booked a 1.5hr massage, your credit would be applied and you would be charged the difference of $40.
If you are scheduling another session in addition to your regular Monthly appointment, you can schedule at any duration you would want, and you will be charged at the Monthly rates.
What if I want a shorter massage?
We cannot break up Monthly credits into shorter appointments. To use your Monthly credit, you must schedule an appointment for the designated duration, or longer if you would like. However if you want a shorter massage than your designated duration, you will have to pay for the appointment separately, at the Monthly rates. For example, if you have a 1.5hr Monthly Pass, but only want a 1hr massage, then you will be charged for the 1hr massage, in addition to your regularly scheduled Monthly Pass fee.
If you are scheduling another session in addition to your regular Monthly appointment, you can schedule at any duration you would want, and you will be charged at the Monthly rates.
What if I want to pause my Monthly payments?
Sometimes life happens, and travel will stop you from coming in for a month or so. You can pause your Monthly pass for up to 3 months of every year. We cannot pause any longer than that, or it counts as a cancellation.
If you are ready to pause, reach out to us directly by emailing maia@neureleasemassage.com or by texting 512 520 2432 with your name, your pause request, and what date you would like to have the Monthly fee re-activate on. We cannot pause without a re-activation date, or it counts as a cancellation.
What if I am ready to cancel my monthly pass?
We will be sorry to see you go! After the 3 month initial term, you may cancel at any time.
If you are ready to cancel, there is a button to cancel in the emails you will receive when the Monthly Pass fee is processed.
After you cancel, you have 30 days to use your remaining credits, so make sure to get them on the schedule as soon as possible.
What is your appointment cancellation and rescheduling policy?
We ask for at least 48hrs notice of any cancellation or rescheduling to help us manage our time. However, in most cases, we will accept a minimum time notice of 24hrs notice for cancellation or rescheduling. You can easily cancel or reschedule using the button in the Appointment Confirmation email. If we receive less than our minimum time notice, we will still require the full cost of the session, using the applied payment or on the card on file.
We understand that emergencies come up for everyone, but if it happens over and over, it puts an undue burden on our therapists and our schedule. If there are many repeated incidents of canceling with only 24hrs notice, we will ask that you uphold our 48hrs request as stated in the Monthly Pass agreement. In these cases of repeated incidents of 24-48 hrs notice, we may reduce our minimum time notice to 48 hrs required for cancellation and rescheduling.
Any more Questions about your Monthly Pass?
Feel free to reach out to me directly at maia@neureleasemassage.com if you ever have any questions or issues coming up.